Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

  • Users are responsible for protecting any information used and/or stored on/in their Care Touch Vision Centre accounts according to the ISMS Information Classification and
  • Handling Procedure
  • Users must report any weaknesses in Care Touch Vision Centre computer security, any incidents of possible misuse or violation of this agreement to the proper authorities by contacting Care Touch Vision Centre IT Security Manager/ Representative.
  • Care Touch Vision Centre reserves the right to audit networks and systems use on a periodic basis to ensure compliance with this policy.
  • The use of the E-mail System should primarily be for work-related matters. The use of E-mail system for personal non-work-related communications is allowed provided such use is limited and conforms to policies and standards outlined in this E-mail Policy.
  • Official email communications shall only be conducted using the Care Touch Vision Centre email system and the use of personal email accounts for official matters shall be avoided.
  • Third party users shall use their own official email when communicating with Care Touch Vision Centre email system, unless they have been provided Care Touch Vision Centre Email account (E.g.consultants / Doctors / Specialists / Fellows / Trainees etc)